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Achyut Godbole is a popular writer who has written on various topics in both English and Marathi. Some of the books he has written are Data Communications And Networks, Demystifying Computers, Operating Systems, and Web Technologies.
Operating Systems by Achyut is one of the most authentic and informative books on Operating systems. It contains all the essential concepts of OS and the ones to keep in mind while using Operating systems. The book is an excellent example of how to explain a topic via a right balance of theory and examples, comprehensively and systematically. I have never come across any book with such breadth or depth of coverage on Operating Systems. The information presented in the book is very precise and well organized into cohesive sections.
Operating Systems Introduction and Application are one of the important themes of this book. The comprehensive approach of this book help youth to take a strong understanding of Operating Systems. This book gives practical knowledge and useful suggestions about Operating Systems 7211a4ac4a