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It was all over so soon. The basket was hoisted on his arm, and hewas followed by the procession of the three mules. The first one wasladen with his gear, the second with the baskets, and the thirdwith the girl. After a walk of a quarter of an hour through a regionfull of scrubby fir-trees, they came to the lower edge of the mountainsand on the mountainside, where the snow was less deep, found an openspot large enough for the tents. A little further on, the first muleswere turned loose, and the second brought on their load. The girl andher basket were taken to the first tent, and the boy to the second. Otherof the two tents were occupied by women, and so were the two others.They were not occupied by their owners, but by squat, snub-nosedold chieftains wearing the small, circular headdress of the Hindu. Kimwas received with a certain amount of curiosity, and he learned in thecourse of the next few days that they had no objection to his beingin the same tent with themselves, provided that he did not bother themor go into theirs.
The shop was in the form of a square with a peaked roof; thepeople who came there would have passed it without noticing it.Inside there were three row after row of counters, covered withall manner of queer wares, from jars and gongs to little old mahogany chests and baskets for sale. The man who had taken off his turbanwas looking at some wax effigies, and the other man stood in front ofthe counter.
When Addison came to the vicarage he was met by a letter fromhim, proposing that he should come and preach for his parish. Itwas a very warm letter, and it had a great effect on Addison, who wasever disposed to have an ecclesiastical connection. He readily agreedto preach and then went away. The next Sunday his father was thefirst to recognize him, and he had already spoken long before theothers; and then an extraordinary thing happened. John Whittier cameout to the church after the service to tell my father that he hadheard Addison preach, and that the sermon was a very excellent one. 827ec27edc